Case Management Solutions
Childhood Early Intervention Services

Baby and Toddler Online Tracking System (BTOTS)
BTOTS is a web-based case management system developed for the Utah Baby Watch Early Intervention Program (BWEIP) of the Utah Department of Health (UDOH). MDSC was awarded the initial RFP to develop the system in 2004 and has been maintaining and enhancing the system through to the present day. The system provides day-to-day operational as well as compliance features for supporting children aged zero to 3 years receiving various services from the program (e.g., physical therapy, speech therapy).
Family Billing and Payment (BNP)
The Early Intervention Family Billing and Payment (BNP) is closely related to BTOTS and provides billing and payment services for families receiving Early Intervention services. It manages account balances and allows parents to make online payments as well as update demographic information.

Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS)
Utah’s Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS, pronounced E-Kids) is a data system which integrates early care and education data from participating agencies and programs providing services to families with young children. ECIDS helps to identify and evaluate long-term outcomes attributed to early childhood investments. Utah’s ECIDS is hosted by the Utah Department of Health (UDOH).

Transition from Early Intervention Data Input System (TEDI)
TEDI is an online application that tracks the process of transitioning a child from Part C to Part B services to ensure children are not lost in the referral and transition processes. It consists of several components: the TEDI website, the SSID Broker service, the BTOTS/TEDI Data Exchange service and the TEDI API.
- The TEDI website provides an online interface for viewing, updating and reporting on child referral, program eligibility, and program transition information throughout the state of Utah. TEDI generates the Indicator 12 detailed and summary reports required for annual federal reporting.
- The SSID Broker service accesses the USBE’s Statewide Student Identifier System (SIS) to provide a child with a unique identification number that will continue with that child throughout his/her public education experience in Utah.
- The BTOTS/TEDI Data Exchange service facilitates data transfers between UDOH’s Baby and Toddler Online Tracking System (BTOTS) and USBE's TEDI system.
- The TEDI API is the means by which the Data Exchange service submits requests for data operations on the TEDI database. (login required)
Childhood Education and Assessment
Preschool Developmental Observation Tool (Preschool DOT)
Preschool DOT is a online version of the child progress monitoring tool developed by four Utah school districts (Jordan, Canyons, Nebo and Alpine). It tracks progress of individual preschool students in all outcome areas related to the Utah Preschool Outcomes Data (UPOD), including social emotional skills, basic knowledge and self-help skills. Users can record observations on site on tablet or mobile devices, print the student's current DOT chart in Spanish or English, and generate summary progress reports by student, teacher, school and district, as well as individual student learning outcomes and progress graphs, and level proficiency tables. (login required)